Kamis, April 20, 2006

Little-little siy i can

post under: Imbauan

Some few days ago I got miscellaneous email that I didn’t know where they came from. One of them sound like this :

Top 10 Reasons to Quit Smoking

1. I will reduce my chances of having a heart attack or stroke.
# Oh dear, I already have, precisely, since I’d broked with my girl's friend.

2. I will reduce my chances of getting lung cancer, emphysema, and
other lung diseases.
# Of course, precisely, it’s called “cantong cering” .

3. I will have better smelling clothes, hair, breath, home, and car.
# And I rather to smelling the cigarette smokes.

4. I will climb stairs and walk without getting out of breath.
# No way, I'll challenge you to race /w me in ten k. Dare you?

5. I will have fewer wrinkles.
# If you have wrinkles please go to flatiron.

6. I will be free of my morning cough.
# I think avian influenza is the biggest cause.

7. I will reduce the number of coughs, colds, and earaches my child
will have.
# Till now I’ve no child yet, but thanks

8. I will have more energy to pursue physical activities I enjoy.
# The best energy I ever had is energy drinks and coffee of course

9. I will treat myself to new books or music with the money I save
from not buying cigarettes.
# Smoking or not smoking is not the reason to not buying a book.

10. I will have more control over my life.
# Yes you’re right, smoking is the best control in my life, it’s look like "the soul of my life".

However, I say a lot of thanks for the commemorations.

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